
If you’re looking for opportunities to serve, consider volunteering to help Olivet New Church conduct its worship services and programs.

Volunteer opportunities at Olivet include serving on the visiting committee (which ministers to people who are sick or shut in), leading your own spiritual growth group, coordinating church potlucks or dinners, and serving on the board of directors, among other things.

The church also relies on a host of volunteers to keep Sunday worship running smoothly. You could volunteer to help out with Sunday services by:

  • Greeting people when they come to the building
  • Serving as an usher
  • Contributing and arranging flowers
  • Lighting candles and taking care of the chancel
  • Helping out with the recording and livestreaming of the service
  • Setting up the refreshments table

If you would like to volunteer, please contact us, or speak to one of the pastors.

Additional service opportunities may be coming up soon—look for them on our events page!