Meet The Pastor

Todd Beiswenger


Hi! I just started here as of January 2, 2025 after serving as the Pastor for our congregation in Sydney Australia for almost 13 years. Being a pastor wasn't what I thought I was going to do with my life, and in fact my first career was selling race car parts for 10 years. But along the way I encountered the transformative power of the Word in my life, which turned into a call to the ministry. My goal is to help you see for yourself that the Word is actually relevant to your life as well because I believe that if we organize our lives around these teachings we'll be happier, more content, and an all around nicer person to be around. My wife is pretty happy with the changes in me! Frankly, I am too.

I do my best to keep our Sunday services interesting and relevant, so I'll hope you'll find that attending church isn't a thing you have to do, but eventually something you enjoy doing.

Lastly, but perhaps most important, if life is giving you troubles, feel free to drop a line. Happy to talk, email, or share a coffee with you. My treat!