This is where the pastors will share some regular reflections on religion and what's going on in the world.
This article follows "Follow." After we've followed Jesus for a while, what is the next step? He asks us a probing question: "Who do you…
Imagine this: a new person show up at church. What do we do? What is Jesus' approach to people He first meets?
Open Door, Freedom, and the Law of the Pledge
In this sermon Rev. Michael Cowley discusses the role of freedom in times of conflict.
Limitations of Our Patience and Tranquility
In this longer video, Rev. Michael Cowley digs into a number of themes related to the inward life of the mind.
Dealing With Fear and Stress
In this video Rev. Jared Buss talks about rising above the negative emotions that the Coronavirus pandemic is bringing up.
“Neither Do I Condemn You”
Rev. Jared Buss writes about the Lord's goals, and how they show up in the story of the woman caught in adultery.
A Little Is Enough
Rev. Jared Buss writes about the value and importance of the little things we do.
The Light of the World
In this article Rev. Jared Buss asks what it is that Christians are called to share with the world.
“Lord, You Know”
Rev. Jared Buss shares some thoughts on the Lord's presence with us even in the darkest times.